• Jinx Proof Tattoos
    3285 1/2 M St. NW
    Washington DC 20007

    Absolute Art Tattoos
    821 W Broad St.
    Richmond, Va. 23220

I tattoo at JINX PROOF TATTOOS in Washington D.C. and at ABSOLUTE ART TATTOOS in Richmond, Va.

-To book an appointment with me at JINX PROOF you can email: jinxproof202@gmail.com

-To book an appointment with me at ABSOLUTE ART you can email: tadpeytonabsolute@gmail.com

Please copy and paste the following form into the email and fill out the information:

full name:

phone number:

detailed description of tattoo:

placement on body (please be specific):

approximate size (in inches):

color, black, or black & grey:

Please feel free to attach any reference photos you might have.

One of the shop managers will then get back in touch with you as soon as possible with a price quote and available appointment times.
If you would prefer an in-person consultation you can call either shop and they will set up a time for you to come in. Thanks!